Po miesiącach wyczekiwań, dopieszczania, testów, usuwania bugów, nareszcie udostępniono nam do pobrania jedną z najobszerniejszych aktualizacji FHSW jakie do tej pory miały miejsce.
Wersja ta, oznaczona numerem 0.5, nie potrzebuje do działania poprzednich wydań moda. Do pobrania w trzech, podzielonych równo częściach. Hasło do archiwów zostanie podane później, tak żeby wszyscy zainteresowani zdążyli pobrać pliki i mieli tym samym równy start:
PART 1: http://www.gamefront.com/files/22061767/FHSW_v0.5_Setup_Part_1.exe
PART 2: http://www.gamefront.com/files/22065650/FHSW_v0.5_Setup_Part_2.exe
UPDATE: Linki zamieniono na te z wygodnym instalatorem, w 2 częściach i już bez hasła.
W rozwinięciu newsa znajduje się też mirror w wersji BitTorrent, schematy nt zmian, oraz ogólny, sumaryczny changlelog.
Natomiast do zapoznania się z instrukcją instalacji, polecam udać się tutaj
Mirror (BitTorrent):
+ Added
* Changed
////// Vehicles
/// Common
+ added tracer effect for all tank guns and A+guns
* small caliber machinegun tracer effect tweaked
+ Added random APCR/APDS rounds for some guns
+ Added sloped armor effect for almost all tanks
+ maximum thickness of armor material was increased to 800mm from 250mm
+ revise AP and HEAT shell s anti tank damage
+ HE shell damage for soft target slightly reduced
+ Added HEAT shells to howitzer tank
+ Howitzer s HEAT shell trajectory improved
+ Now almost all StuGs and Field medium caliber AT guns can select AP/HE rounds
+ field gun, howitzer and cannon s trajectory tweaked
+ remove self-propelled gun and mobile artillery s recoil
+ added time limited rapid firing ability on self-propelled artillery
+ tweaked all artillery accuracy and reload time except naval guns
+ tweaked all artillery reload time except naval guns
+ revise all tank s hit points
+ add artillery spotter for some tanks
+ increase electri*driven tank s mobility
+ AP*s mg deploy are now changed to MG kit
+ mg deploy kits can select tripod s height from three form
* AP*s mobility and hit points increased
* submarine s surface speed increased
+ added sonar noise to submarines
+ add aircraft s gun sights on nose camera
+ add "kanji" character for Japanese language kill log
* re-model some tank s gun and hull machinegun sight
* increase repair radius of armored recovering vehicle from 8m to 15m
/// USA
+ M2A1 Light Tank
+ M2A4 Light Tank
+ M5A1 Light Tank
+ M8 HMC
+ M8A1 GMC
+ T23E3 Medium Tank
+ T26E2 Heavy Tank
+ T29 Heavy Tank
* LVT-4
Added side mg and hull mg
+ Maxon M33 12.7mm AA
+ Maxon M45 12.7mm AA
* 40mm Bofors
Overheat rate reduced, Acciracy increased
* Atlanta
Side 5inch turret traverse angle increased to 170 degree from 150 degree
tweak maximum speed
* Enterprise
tweak maximum speed
* F8F Bearcat
tweak maximum speed and mobility
change armaments to high rate 20mm AN-M3
* WACO Glider
disable mini-map icon visibility
2nd seat can put jeeps
* Sherman DD Amphibious Tank
despite it can t fire while swimming in real life, in FHSW, it can be
* P-38
high altitude performance improved
* P-47
high altitude performance improved
* P-51H
high altitude performance improved, change armaments to high rate 12.7mm AN-M3
/// UK
+ Churchill (with Applique Armor)
+ Churchill ARV
+ Churchill Kangaroo
+ Matild+II with 6pdr
+ Maxon Polsten 20mm AA
* Churchill (include current variants)
add smoke shell thrower* L-Class Destroyer
tweak maximum speed
+ Valentine VIII
+ Valentine VIII Gap Juming Tank
+ Mosquito FB Mk.VI
+ Mosquito FB Mk.XVIII
* Beaufort
slightly increased maximum speed and mobility
* Willy SAS
disable mini-map icon visibility from axis team
add ammo box and special demolition kit spawner
* Universal Carrier
Armed variants now can driven and fired by 1st seat
/// FRE
+ Renault.R35(Late, With 37mm L/33)
/// GER
+ PzKpfw II Ausf G
+ PzKpfw II Ausf L Luchs
+ PzKpfw II Ausf M
+ Panzerjager 1c
+ PzKpfw VI Ausf E Tiger mit 8.8cm KwK43
+ Maus Heavy Tank
it can "road kill" enemy tanks
+ Sturm Panther
+ JagdPanther (improved)
this vehicle has 5 rounds self reloader
+ PzKpfw VI Ausf B Tiger II(improved)
+ JagdTiger GT102 Gas turbine
* Ferdinand/Elephant (by Purity)
divide ferdinand from elephant
add pistol ports
* Puma
torque improved. backword speed is now same to forward speed
+ 12.8cm K81 (Re-Modell of ML-20 from Battlegroup42 MOD)
+ 3cm Flak103/38
* 37mm M42 AA
Overheat rate reduced, Acciracy increased
* Ju88G-7
mobility and high altitude performance improved
change armaments to ultr+high rate MG213
* PzKpfw 38(t)
change coaxial machinegun from MG34 to MG37(t)
* Bismarck
tweak maximum speed
* Hs129
slightly reduce durability
/// ITA
* AS42 Sahariana
tweak maximum speed at 80km/h
Added MG deploy
/// JPN
+ Chi-nu Kai (with Type5 Mod1 Autoloader Gun)
+ Type5 Ho-Ru 4.7cm ATSPG
+ Type5 Ho-Chi 15cm SPG
+ Chi-h+APC
+ Ha-Go(Late)
+ Expelimental HighPower 10.5cm L/65 Gun
+ Type4 TankMG
* Type97 TankMG
Magazine size changed to 20 rounds
+ Agano Class Light Cruiser
+ Oyodo Class Light Cruiser
+ I-58 Submarine
/// RUS
+ IS-3 Heavy Tank
+ IS-3-D-30 Heavy Tank (IS-3 with 122mm D-30 tank gun)
+ T-28 Medium Tank
+ T-28-85 Medium Tank
+ T-28-95 Medium Tank
+ T-28E Medium Tank
+ T-29 Medium Tank
+ T-40 Amphibious Tank
+ T-40 PT-23TB Amphibious Tank (T-40 with 23mm PT-23TB tank gun)
+ S-51 203mm SPG
* M1939 37mm AA
Overheat rate reduced, Acciracy increased
+ 85mm 52-K A+Gun
+ 122mm A-19 Gun (Re-Modell of ML-20 from Battlegroup42 MOD)
+ 152mm ML-20 Howitzer (from Battlegroup42 MOD)
+ IL-4 Medium Bomber
+ IL-4 VAP500 Special Napalm
+ I-153 Fighter
+ I-195 Fighter
+ TB-3 Zveno Project
+ TB-3 Airborne Tank Transporter
* KV-8 Flamthrower Tank
Armor thickness increased same to KV-1(M1942)
* T-35 Heavy Tank
Protection against explosives increased
/////// Hand Weapons
+ revise some weapon animation
+ set initial bullet dispersion when change weapons to laying fire mode
+ all bullet damages recalculated
+ Tweak random weapons percentage
+ Increase splash radius of shoulder-launched anti-tank weapon
+ Improve aiming time of shoulder-launched anti-tank weapon
* fixed soldier foot sound
Detonator is now set on weapon slot 7
* Remove suppression effect
+ Re-model Soldier equipments models
/// UK
* No.82 Gammon
increase throwing range
* De Lisle Carbine
reduce dispersion when soldier is moving, increase rate of fire
/// GER
+ Panzerfaust150
+ Panzerfaust250
+ Brandfaust
+ Flammfaust
+ Gasfaust
/// HUN
* Mannlicher 35M
Re-Modelled (by Hungarian Front MOD)
// IT+
*Carcano M38
Accuracy improved, Muzzle velocity reduced
/// JAP
+ 70mm Ro-Ta-Ho Rocket Launcher
+ 90mm Ro-Ta-Ho Rocket Launcher
* Type92 HMG deploy kit
scoped version added
/// RUS
+ DShK38 HMG deploy kit

http://www.moddb.com/members/eyeris/tutorials/installation-guide-for-fhsw. pomijacie 4 i 5 pkt, zamiast nich sciagacie z linkow z newsa. Pkt 7 tez pominąć